Clinically proved by CCRAS
Herbal Remedy
Dia Naturals Healths
for All diabetic complications
(Vascular diseases)

Dia-Naturals Health
Dia-Naturals Health as the name suggests, health for diabetic patients naturally from all diabetic complications.
Dia-healths: a herbal health drink which enhances the blood circulation and the regeneration of tissues(angiogenesis) in human body without any secondary infection.

Dia Naturals Health
- Anti-Diabetic
- Antioxidant
- Angiogenesis
- Anti- Inflammatory
- Diuretic
- Wound Healing Effects

What is the uniqness of Dia Naturals?
15 years of research in herbal studies and traditional knowledge of Ayurveda have helped us formulate the best medicine for diabetic complication like insulin resistance, neuropathy, blackening skin and unhealed ulcer.
Clinicaly proved by CCRAS
How safe is Dia Naturals ? Is there any side effect?
All materials used to make Dia Naturals are traditionaly used herbals,100% naturals.
Clinically done heavymetal and toxicity study
How to use Dia Naturals ?
15 ml 2 times/day (dose depend upon patient health condition)
How long should I use this?
This herbal combination help to purify blood and normalizing blood circulation.
It works on root cause (vascular disorder) of diabetic complication and help to ulcer healing without secondary infection after 4-6 months use.
Does Dia Naturals give a permanent solution to neuropathy and ulcer?
Lack of blood circulation is main cause of diabetic complication .This herbal combination solve the root cause of problem. Thus it increases the blood circulation in all the minute capillaries of blood vessels. These functions stimulate angiogenesis capacity of body. Angiogenesis help to restructure the wound and prevent from amputation and Secondary infection.
How to buy it?
You can visit our clinic and buy directly.
Also, you can take consultation through the call, WhatsApp message or E-Mail.
Send whatsapp 9961674231

Dia-healths have been created as a result of 15 years researches in naturopathy ,ayurveda,and yoga for diabetic complications. Our researches were mainly conducted in Karnataka and Kerala.
- Swadeshi science award-2010
- Best project in World Ayurveda congress 2011
- National awards for alternative medicine- 2011
- UGC award- national seminar on plant genetic resources of Western
ghats 2012 - Fellowship from Hokkaido University Japan 2012
- Science award for best project and best presentation from MG university 2013

- Complete healing from diabetic amputation and its secondary infection.
- Dia-healths act very fast and effective.
- The success rate of curing is very high.
- Dia-healths is not much expensive.
- Dia-healths has no side effect.
- Patients can consume Dia-healths with their all medicines. Also they can decrease their medicines by their clinical test.
Dia-healths have been created as a result of 15 years researches in naturopathy ,ayurveda,and yoga for diabetic complications. Our researches were mainly conducted in Karnataka and Kerala.
Importants In This Era

International Diabetic Federation Survey (IDF) 2005 statistics states that, in each 30 seconds one human being is amputated. Even after amputation the wound ulcers may apper in another limb causes secondary amputation. Spending trillions of dollars in medical research in diabetic health care but incidence of diabetic and complication have increased.
What is Amputation?
Amputation is a method to save life by cutting damaged or dead organs.
Diabetic complications lead to many foot problems, often because of two complications of diabetes:
1. Nerve damage (neuropathy) and
2. Poor blood circulation (ischaemia)
Neuropathy causes loss of sensation in feet, taking away ability to feel pain and discomfort so that patients may not detect an injury or irritation. Poor blood circulation in feet reduces ability to heal, making it hard for even a tiny cut to resist infection. To overcome this problem surgeons are doing vascular and podiatric surgery.
If vascular surgery cannot improve blood flow and podiatric surgery cannot restore function, amputation may be the only solution that gets the patient walking again. Amputation may involves one or two toes, part of the foot, or part of the leg. It is selected on the basis of the intensity of circulation of circulatory problem.
Dia-Healths Natures food supplements
Madukakunnu P.O,Pala-686577
Kerala, India
+91- 48 – 2222 6331